You can also find different formats for this font, including otf and ttf. It has different variants and styles, including Italic, Semibold, Semilight, and others. Later, Segoe UI has become a part of this extended (font) family, implemented in many Microsoft’s products. The main purpose was to create an understandable and readable font. Steve Matteson was the one responsible for creating this font.
Originally, this font was developed by Monotype, but it’s becoming Microsoft trademark now. If you want to include it in your projects, rest assured that you can have an improved look and elevated catchy visual effect without you having to break a sweat. The font has undergone quite a long history in its existence, so it’s safe to say that it has gone through quite a lot. – Segoe UI font is a part of the Sans-Serif typeface (the extended version, really) that has been used in various Microsoft applications.